Past present and future

This is a book. So please read and enjoy our beautiful sentences!

By Ruby & Lacey

Have you ever wondered what it was like in the past? Well if you have, we have too. I guess in the past times were umm lets say, a bit harsh. So at the moment we’re lucky to be in the future for the past. You see, ages ago the time right now (present) would be the future to the people of the past. It doesn’t matter where or what time it is but every second that just passed would be from the past. That is only incorrect if somehow time froze! (Which by the way isn’t possible, I don’t think?) Anyways, in the past things we have right now could be rare in those days. Like a house was really rare back in those days. And something that made the past so incredibly hard was the Gold Rush. Ballarat was famous for their gold rush! They had people rushing all over the place searching for gold. And eventually the whole of Ballarat flunked… Wanna know why??? Because the people were all going to get gold! So nobody looked after crops, cleaned houses, and looked after children! Ballarat wasn’t the only place that had a gold rush though, California had a big one, so did the whole of Australia! The gold rush spreaded far across the world and then that’s when China heard of it… They came to Australia seeking gold! They worked very hard, and had lots of material (but Australia didn’t). So China got very rich! And people got jealous! There was a lot of complication, so they put a stop to the gold rush and left… So the world in the past was more than just harsh. There were a lot of convicts in England so that was even worse.

If you want to know more about that, check out my other book! Also if you didn’t really understand what I was speaking of before. Past is also like age, from when you are a baby to an old person! Let's say I'm 9 years old. And the past for me would be when I was a baby. (Something that has already happened to me) and my future would be when I am very old.

Now, let’s talk about the present. Present is something that is happening right now! Not seconds ago, but NOW! Right now when you are reading this would be PRESENT! And this is a note to little kids: present doesn’t mean like a birthday present or a Christmas present. Understand? Anyways present means like right at this moment.

Now have you ever thought of what it would be like in the future? Would I be there to see it? Or will it be in just a second? Because the future could be when I’m old, when I’m dead, or in just a second! What would it be like in the future? Flying cars? Wings that can take you to the clouds!? Or will the earth remain the same… In the future I think the world would be a bit less or more polluted. In the future some people might not be there to see it, but some others will. The future would be in one second! Count one second and there you have it! You are in the future! It really is quite amazing how time doesn’t freeze! It moves around and I have a feeling it has something to do with the earth orbiting around the sun. You see when the earth moves around the sun it makes it daytime and night time! When the sun isn’t facing the earth it makes it night. When the sun is facing earth it makes it day! But that doesn’t mean every single county’s time is the same. Have you ever heard the earth spins? Well it does! So every country or state or whatever is facing the sun closest will be closest to day and ones that are further away would be night… Pretty amazing right? Anyways can you imagine what it’ll be like in the future??? It might even have moving sidewalks! But that isn’t really safe. But they might find a way to make it better because who knows in the future the world might be better, or worse… Hey, let’s have a name for the type of future that is going to happen in 1 second and the one that might happen in years to come. How about we call the sooner future “future” Hope ya like the idea! And the far away future “future future!” I think that’s about all I really know about this topic. See ya another time!

The end...

K.I.T (keep in touch)